
Note to Partners: We are happy to partner with organizations who share our passion for intersectional environmental justice. Please check our partnerships package and email us here with any potential ideas you have and a timeline.

Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights

Description: Advocacy Toolkit for Maryland Environmental Human Rights

Take a Look
American Public Health Association

Description: Designed a unique environmental justice extension to the Climate & Health Youth Education Toolkit and reviewed it as students

Take a Look
New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance

Description: Consulted about 1,4 Dioxane Bill as a community partner for edits, comments, and questions.

Partnerships Package

🀝 We can collaborate to plan and co-host an event that aligns with both of our organization's mission and goals: environmental justice, intersectionality, health equity, youth empowerment, etc. Click on the drop downs to learn more.

πŸ“…Co-Branding Event


🌎Research Brief

πŸ“Content Creation

⭐Cross Promotion